The Daily Miracle
6 Ways on How To Get Ink Out of Sheets
July 15, 2022
Miracle Brand

Just like your favorite tee shirt or pair of socks, everyone has a favorite set of sheets. You spend a lot of time sleeping (roughly 26 years of your life), so it only makes sense that you have bedding that you absolutely love.
It may have taken some trial and error to find your current favorite bedding, so keeping these free of stains and other damages is crucial. However, life happens, and sometimes your favorite sheets take a major hit in the stain department.
Ink stains are some of the toughest stains to get out of fabric, but luckily for you, you don't have to kiss your luscious sheets goodbye just yet. We have tons of tips and tricks that'll get those ink stains out!
What Household Items Can Remove Stains?
The first step in this process is choosing the right cleaning solution. While most work just as well as the others, we understand that everyone has their preferences.
Here are some items you might already have in your home:
1. Nail Polish Remover
Nail polish remover can be more useful than just a part of your at-home spa day. This alcohol-based product may be the solution to your sheet dilemma.
Opt for acetone polish remover. The alcohol in this liquid is the ingredient that removes the stain, and acetone nail polish remover has high levels of acetone.
2. Hand Sanitizer
Like nail polish remover, hand sanitizer has a good amount of alcohol, making it a top candidate for ink removal.
3. Rubbing Alcohol
If you don't have hand sanitizer or acetone nail polish remover on hand, you can always reach for your first aid kit because rubbing alcohol has many uses, including wiping out stains.
4. Soap and Water
Water-based ink stains don't require heavy-duty cleaning solutions and should be your go-to for more delicate fabrics.
You can use laundry detergent, dish soap, or shampoo; whichever you have on hand is fine. Making the solution is as simple as it gets; just mix one to two cups of warm water in a bowl with the soap of your choice.
No matter the soap, you want to use a high-quality product you know will take care of these stains once and for all.
While we may be biased, we can't discuss laundry detergent without mentioning Miracle Made Zero-Waste Detergent Sheets. They pack a punch without all the harmful chemicals and unnecessary ingredients you may find in other detergent products — your Miracle Made Sheets deserve the best of the best, right?
Miracle Note: Whichever soap you choose, be sure it is labeled dye-free, especially if you decide on shampoo.
5. Vinegar and Water
It's no secret that vinegar is a go-to cooking ingredient and a household cleaning product, but did you know it can even tackle the toughest stains?
Before soaking or straying your sheets with your DIY vinegar solution, there are some words of caution worth sharing: First off, don't use hot water; vinegar can be an even stronger solvent than alcohol-based products and can damage fabrics when paired with hot water. Always dilute your vinegar (a 1:1 ratio could do the trick).
Once your vinegar solution is ready to go, you can either dip the stained area in the solution or transfer your new stain-remover into a spray bottle for convenience.
6. Chlorine Bleach
When the stains get tough, sometimes you have to bring out the big guns — bleach. Bleach is a very powerful liquid and should only be used on sturdier, white fabrics.
We assume you're feeling desperate if you've brought out the bleach. However, before you do anything you may regret, read the label on your garment. Labels contain important information regarding the fabrics wash needs and what you definitely should avoid — this tip may save you from throwing out your favorite sheets.
Even though some bleaches are advertised as "color safe," they may still cause damage to your beloved bedding. We say air on the side of caution and try to avoid using bleach unless it's totally necessary.
Ensure the solution is diluted properly, one part water, one part bleach. Bleach can be harsh, so we suggest using a spray bottle for application; this way, you have a little more control.
Cleaning the Ink Stain
Hopefully, you've found a cleaning solution you feel confident in because now it's time to try and tackle the ink stains that are wreaking havoc on your precious night's rest. Stains are inevitable, but everyone sleeps better knowing they're resting their heads on the prettiest, cleanest sheets.
1. Soak Up Excess Ink
If you caught your stain in the early stages, the ink might still be damp. If so, be sure to soak up or blot the ink stain. This will absurd any excess ink preventing the stain from worsening.
However, most modern pens won’t give you this luxury, which brings up to step two:
2. Test the Fabric
Before putting your cleaning solution of choice all over the fabric, apply it to a non-conspicuous area (a corner or along the hem). If the material bleeds or fades, you'll want to use a different option to remove this stain.
3. Don't Apply Directly to the Fabric
You don't want to apply your solution directly to the fabric or stain. Use a cotton ball or damp cloth to blot the solution onto the stain.
Continue to apply gentle pressure to the stain until you see it start to come out. You can even use a toothbrush or gentle scrub brush if the cotton ball seems too delicate. Sometimes all a stain needs is a bit of elbow grease!
4. Wash With Miracle Made Detergent
Now that your stain appears to have vanished, it's time to run your sheet through a wash cycle.
It's essential that during this wash cycle, you use a dependable, natural detergent that will remove any excess remembrance of that dreadful stain.
Check the entire sheet for stain before transferring it into the dryer. If you missed any spots, they would be even more difficult to get out after the fabric is dried.
How To Do Less Laundry
Sometimes, no matter how drastic your efforts, some stain never budge. However, we don't want that to put a damper on your mood. Instead of being disappointed that you may have to retire your favorite sheets, use this as an excuse for a little shopping spree!
That's right, now that you must get new sheets, you have an excuse to buy that bedding you've always wanted. Of course, we're suggesting our Miracle Made Signature Sheet Set. Not only are these sheets antibacterial and temperature regulating, but they're also made from the softest Percale 350-thread-count cotton.
Your rest is important, and having bedding you love is the first step to better sleep quality.
Say Goodbye to Ink Stains
Ink stains aren't always the easiest to get out of, but hopefully, these simple tips and tricks salvaged your lovely bedding for another wash cycle or two! After a day of cleaning, you can climb into bed and drift off to sleep.
Vinegar | The Nutrition Source | Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health
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