The Daily Miracle
How to Hang Bathroom Towels: 5 Ideas to Make For Dry Towels and a Beautiful Bathroom
August 22, 2020
Nicholas Crusie

It's all in the details. While a complete bathroom renovation may not fit your budget, there are other simple, little ways you can give your bathroom a makeover. With all the extra time that most of us are now spending at home, we're also spending more time in our bathrooms. It doesn't need to be a huge project - little changes can add up to making a big and beautiful difference.
Without commuting to work, walking to the gym, and anything else we took for granted before March of this year, we find ourselves with a little extra time on our hands. Why not start a little project that can make a big difference to the look and feel of your bathroom?
We've put together a few simple and easy ideas that can give your bathroom a little upgrade and a whole new feeling.
The Towels
First of all, however you decide to decorate, having a luxuriously soft and plush set of towels will look best in any arrangement. Keep in mind that while a beautiful towel arrangement looks great, it's important to never store towels that are still damp. Towels should be completely dry before they are used for decorative purposes.
When redecorating, people often overlook towels. While they may seem insignificant and only for functional purposes, there are different ways that towels can be arranged to take them from being simply functional to ornamental, too!
Here are a few different ways you can play around with towels to incorporate them into your bathroom's overall ambiance.
Fold them over a towel bar
If a towel bar is your current drying and holding system, you're probably already doing this. (You also probably thought "duh?" as you read this).
But there are ways to spice this up that can help your bathroom look fancier, more put together, and even elegant.
The first thing we're going to suggest is layering the towels. Try folding a hand towel and laying it on top of your bath towel. This is probably the easiest thing you can do to upgrade your bathroom from feeling like a 1-star motel to a 3-star hotel. Towels that have borders or designs along the edges look especially great when they're layered like this. You can also add a splash of color to create contrast by getting hand towels that have a little jump to them. If you want to keep it mellow, try complimenting your bath towels with hand towels that are a slightly different shade.
While your bath towel over the rack may be folded only once (width wise), we suggest folding your top layer hand towel into thirds. This will create a more distinct difference in the shape of the towels and will look more decorative.
Try a towel rack
First let's clarify the difference between a towel bar and a towel rack. A towel rack is commonly used in hotels. It's attached to the wall and offers storage on top and racks along the bottom. Sort of like this.
A towel rack looks functional and elegant and also provides extra storage for your bathroom. Don't feel limited by the name "towel rack" and think it's only for towels. Try hanging your towels off the bottom racks and use the top platform for other decor like books, magazines, a candle, a little flowerpot, you name it. The surface on top is the area to express yourself and have a little fun with anything you'd like to display.
Use a cute towel basket
A towel basket is great for storage and can be especially helpful if your bathroom doesn't have much wall space for racks or towel bars. A basket can also bring a fun design or color element to your bathroom setting. Think of a woven basket; it's always been a classic and it's an effortless way to make your bathroom feel like a cute little cottage.
Friendly reminder: never store towels that are still damp in a basket.
A damp environment is the breeding ground for bacteria and the development of odors, making it way too easy for your towel to adopt that hated musty smell. Even towels that dry quickly and fight bacterial growth should be completely dry before they are put away.
Get a towel ladder
While this suggestion requires having a bit of extra space, a towel ladder can definitely up your bathroom decor game. A wooden or metal ladder can be a really cool way to display your towels. Towels can be draped over each step and layered with different sizes and colors to serve both storage and decor. Especially if you match the ladder to your bathroom's other finishings, your bathroom may start to feel not just like a 5-star hotel, but like a 5-star cabin retreat.
Use a bathroom cart
A bathroom cart is a great way to add storage to your bathroom and hold other things that will add to the space's vibe. Most bathroom carts will have rods along at least one of the sides, which is perfect for hanging hand towels. The bathroom cart can be filled with towels, toiletries, accessories, or a mix of everything. Picture a black metallic cart filled with rolled towels, succulents, books and magazines, and other cute little knick-knacks.
Play with the walls
Accent walls (a single wall in a room that is painted) are a fun and easy way to add a splash of color and personality to your bathroom. Your bathroom is your space and you can paint it however you please. Choose a wall that speaks to you, grab your favorite color of paint, and have fun with it.
You can make the entire accent wall one color or you can get creative with it and add designs. Using painter's tape is a way to incorporate designs like slanted lines, crisscrosses, checkerboard, and anything else you can think of. Once you've chosen your wall, remember you aren't limited to just one color. Go ahead and mix colors or switch it up between matte and metallic paints to really give that accent wall a kick.
Having your accent wall be harmonious with the other colors in your bathroom will make the space feel calm, cool, and collected. Think about colors that would go well with your current towel set, the shower curtain, and any other decor in the room.
Wallpaper really has no limitations on how you can play with it. Wallpaper can be subtle or busy, and anywhere in between. Make a statement with a wall full of your favorite little designs, scenery, or patterns. Wallpaper can also be more mellow when it's a toned-down design that will quietly complement the rest of your bathroom's finishings.
Pictures are a great way to fill empty wall space and express yourself. You can use family photos, vacation photos, scenery, or anything else you'd enjoy seeing. Photos aren't restricted to being in frames, try getting some canvas photo prints to add a cool 3D element to your desired imagery.
Feeling more extravagant?
While playing around with the towels and a wall is a great, easy, and wallet-friendly way to upgrade the bathroom's look, you can definitely get fancier with it if you wanted to.
If you really want to give your bathroom an upgrade, there are some bigger and bolder changes you can make.
- Statement mirror
- Repurposed vanity
- New cabinetry
- New tiles or a backsplash
- Additional mirrors
A Beautiful Bathroom
Bathrooms aren't well known for being beautiful, but that doesn't mean that they can't be. There are little changes, additions, and revamps that you can make that can entirely change the feel of the space. When decorating small spaces like a bathroom, you need to get creative and pay attention to the little things, like towels. It's all in the details!
Did you know?A damp environment is the breeding ground for bacteria and the development of odors, making it way too easy for your towel to adopt that hated musty smell. |